
Private Single Room

Independent in your everyday activities

In this accommodation (apartment or house) you have your own room, but you share the use of a kitchen and bathroom with the other residents.

The other residents may be a younger or older married couple, a single person, a family or even students. In some accommodations it is normal to have regular contact with the other residents; in others you will live more on your own.

You can chose to provide for your own meals; however, accommodations can be booked with breakfast/half board/full board included.

Host families are especially good for all those who are looking for connection to a family and who want to try out their newly acquired language knowledge, or for younger language students who would feel more secure in a family setting.

The prices for accommodation in a private single room or with a host family include the rent and the following services:

  • arrangement fees and utilities
  • access to kitchen (in private rooms without half/full board)
  • bed linen
  • internet


1 week € 220
2 weeks € 390
3 weeks € 570
4 weeks € 720
each additional week € 150
deposit: € 200 (repaid at the end of tenancy)


1 week € 240
2 weeks € 420
3 weeks € 590
4 weeks € 760
each additional week € 160
deposit: € 200 (repaid at the end of tenancy)
1 week + € 70
2 weeks + € 140
3 weeks + € 210
4 weeks + € 280
each additional week + € 70
1 week + € 170
2 weeks + € 340
3 weeks + € 510
4 weeks + € 680
each additional week + € 170


1 week + € 190
2 weeks + € 380
3 weeks + € 570
4 weeks + € 760
each additional week + € 190
1 week + € 240
2 weeks + € 480
3 weeks + € 720
4 weeks + € 960
each additional week + € 240


1 week + € 270
2 weeks + € 540
3 weeks + € 810
4 weeks + € 1.080
each additional week + € 270
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